Berikut keterangan JAXTR.COM dalam situs nya :
What is jaxtr?
Jaxtr brings voice to social networks and blogs. Use jaxtr to link your phones with your online network to receive the calls, voice messages and texts you want while keeping your phone number private.
Will my friends like it?
Your friends will love it because they can now call you for free on your mobile without needing to download anything or use a headset. They just enter their phone number, their phone rings and jaxtr connects the call.
How can I manage incoming calls?
You choose the phone where you receive your calls. You can block callers or specify on a per-caller basis who can ring your phone and who gets routed to voicemail.
How much does jaxtr cost?
Jaxtr is free. In the future, we will offer premium services for jaxtr power users, but our basic service will remain free. Depending on your phone plan, your service provider may charge you fees for making local calls.
Can jaxtr save me money?
Absolutely! When you call friends using jaxtr, don't forget to save the local number displayed on your phone. Dial this direct number next time you call your friend to bypass expensive international or long distance fees charged by phone companies. So, invite your friends to jaxtr today to call them for free from your mobile. It takes just a minute to sign up.
Berikut langkah - langkah menggunakan layanan ini :
Langkah Pertama
Klik Sign Up Pada menu Sign Up bagian kanan atas sidebar atau Klik tombol SIGN UP FREE ! pada bagian tengah.
Langkah Kedua
Isikan data yang diminta penyedia layanan SMS gratis JAXTR. Bila telah melengkapi, silahkan klik SIGNUP.
Langkah Ketiga
Klik Skip for now untuk mengabaikan layanan pemberitahuan via email apa yang diinginkan.
Langkah Keempat
Anda diminta untuk mengirimkan pemberitaan JAXTR kepada teman - teman anda melalui e-mail teman anda. Klik Skip for now bila anda ingin mengabaikannya.
Langkah Kelima
Di bagian paling kanan atas akan ada tulisan send a FREE Text Message, lalu pilih : country yakni INDONESIA - ketik nomor handphone yang anda ingin tujukan ( +62 sama artinya dengan 0 ), contoh : nah bila pengguna SIMPATI tinggal menambahkan 81330715983 - lalu tulis pesan anda yang ingin anda sampaikan kepada yang anda tuju, max 65 karakter - terakhir tekan tombol send.
Selamat, kini anda bisa menggunakan layanan Jaxtr untuk mengirim SMS kepada teman anda secara gratis.
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