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Showing posts from April 2, 2008

Garuda Adakan Ajang Kontes Foto Internasional

Maskapai penerbangan Garuda Indonesia ajak seluruh masyarakat dunia untuk berpartisipasi dalam kontes foto Internasional 2008. Pendaftaran telah dibuka sekarang hingga 31 Mei 2008. Tema yang diusung pada babak kualifikasi adalah My Home, My Country sedangkan pada babak putaran final yakni Indonesia, the Beautiful . Ingin tahu lebih banyak, silahkan mengklik disini . Berikut informasi penting Garuda Indonesia International Photo Contest 2008 yang saya comot dari website garuda competition : About The Contest Garuda Photo Contest International has been held by Garuda Inflight Magazine since 2007. The Magazine, produced for Indonesia’s airline – Garuda, provides a platform to display and cover the work of all photographers around the Asia Pacific region. The goal is to communicate with and enrich the photographic community, providing inspiration to produce outstanding images Our Vision Garuda Photo Competition has a mission to encourage creativity in all photographers, in the Asian regi...