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Garuda Adakan Ajang Kontes Foto Internasional

Maskapai penerbangan Garuda Indonesia ajak seluruh masyarakat dunia untuk berpartisipasi dalam kontes foto Internasional 2008. Pendaftaran telah dibuka sekarang hingga 31 Mei 2008. Tema yang diusung pada babak kualifikasi adalah My Home, My Country sedangkan pada babak putaran final yakni Indonesia, the Beautiful. Ingin tahu lebih banyak, silahkan mengklik disini.

Berikut informasi penting Garuda Indonesia International Photo Contest 2008 yang saya comot dari website garuda competition :

About The Contest
Garuda Photo Contest International has been held by Garuda Inflight Magazine since 2007. The Magazine, produced for Indonesia’s airline – Garuda, provides a platform to display and cover the work of all photographers around the Asia Pacific region. The goal is to communicate with and enrich the photographic community, providing inspiration to produce outstanding images

Our Vision
Garuda Photo Competition has a mission to encourage creativity in all photographers, in the Asian region, with the intention of promoting exploration and discovery of the beautiful landscape, people and culture of the area through photographic experimentation.

Theme and Category
'My Home, My Country‘ as Main theme for the Qualification Round. This theme will describe your country from the cultural, people, landscape or another side which represents your beautiful country in a positive or dignified way.

The Final Round theme is : ‘Indonesia, The Beautiful‘.


* For foreigners who have visited Indonesia before, you enter photos that were taken during your trip to Indonesia.
* The Theme is : ‘ Indonesia, The Beautiful ‘

Entry Period
Entries will be accepted during the period March 15 to May 31, 2008.
All Entries via internet will be accepted until 24.00 hrs, May 31, 2008.
(Indonesian time - Jakarta)

Competition Rules :

Entrant Criteria
Garuda Photo Contest International is open to all photographers, professional or amateur from any part of the region stated below :

* Hong Kong, China
* Japan and Korea
* Australia
* Indonesia
* Other

Notes :

* Photographs that have been published and images that have won awards will not be accepted.
* The committee reserves the right to disqualify entries that violate or show any Indonesian people, places or subjects in an uncomplimentary way.
* All entrants, particularly those under 18, are responsible for ensuring their submissions are in compliance with the legal requirements of their country.

Entry Format

* Images accepted in JPEG format as graphic files taken from digital data.
* Images that have been digitally edited with software are also accepted.
* Color and Black and White images are accepted.
* Maximum size per JPEG image : Max. weight/length 1,024 pixels, resolution of 150 dpi, with max. size 500kb. If the image is larger than the size mentioned above, please compress to medium JPEG quality.
* Pictures that represent a story (a continuous set of images) can be accepted as one entry only.
* Digitally manipulated images (multiply layer photos) are not accepted.
* RGB formatting will be applied as the standard colour image viewing during the judging process.
* Winners may later be requested to submit JPEG images with higher resolution for winning material, for production usage in publications, exhibitions and other related material, as part of the competition.

How to Apply

* Each entrant may enter a maximum of 10 (ten) JPEG images.
* Please register and fill out the online entry form and submit it along with the JPEG images.
* Please read the details below and then make your entry by clicking the ‘ Entry ‘ button on this page.
* Submitted images will not be returned under any circumstances.
* JPEG image entries are accepted only in accordance with the procedures mentioned above.
* Entrants will not be notified of receipt of their entries.
* All data submitted to the contest via the Internet, including image data and personal information, will be managed by the contest organizer committee.

Prizes & Awards

First Prize
Trophy + US$ 2,500 + 2 Garuda Tickets all Garuda destination + Sponsor Product

Second Prize
Trophy + US$ 1,500 + 1 Garuda Ticket all Garuda destination + Sponsor Product

Third Prize
Trophy + US$ 1,000 + 1 Garuda Ticket all Garuda destination + Sponsor Product

Special Award, The Best Landscape, The Best People/Culture
Certificate + Sponsor Product

sumber inspirasi disini


  1. Anonymous12:57 AM

    cocok nih moment nya....

    sesuai dengan semangat Visit Indonesia 2008....

    cempluk ga ikut??

  2. Anonymous11:03 AM

    bagus tuh wat perkembangan Indonesia, kapan kita maju??
    lha iki contoh eeeeee


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5. Jangan sungkan dan lupa tuk balik lagi yah di artikel cempluk berikut nya


Salam Perjuangan,


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